
Showing posts from January, 2024

Self-worth Quotes – A Good Read

It’s always wonderful to read some quotes that plant a seed of self-worth and self- confidence in us. For sanity, it is important to get back to these from time-to-time. Here’s a list of such quotes that boost your self-worth. 1. “The only limits in our life are those that we impose on ourselves.” - Bob Proctor 2. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt 3. “Self–worth is so vital to your happiness if you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.” - Sandy Hale 4. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 5. “The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.” - Mark Twain 6. “Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” - Malcolm S. Forbes 7. “Strong people have a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness; they don’t need the approval of others.” - Roy T. Bennett, The

Self-Awareness – A Mighty Tool

  Self-Awareness is the first step towards personal growth. As Jude Dholah, a PGI certified Life Coach in Canada says - in the pursuit of personal development, knowing oneself tops the chart. Self-Awareness empowers individuals to navigate life with clarity, confidence and meaning. We may name our favorite books and movies at the drop of a hat but we may be less inclined towards discussing deeper self-awareness topics like emotions, thoughts, strengths, weaknesses and our overall identity. However, if we want to be happier and lead a contented and purposeful life, it is important to build self-awareness. This keeps us on target to be the best version of ourself. Self-Awareness As per the dictionary, self-awareness means conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. In simple words, we can say self-awareness is self-knowledge, how well do we know ourselves, how emotions, thoughts, actions feelings and how objectively do we use these. Highly self-

5 Ways Life Coaching Can Help Entrepreneurs

Every phase of your life demands a new you - a new perspective, a new vision and a new approach. A Life Coach can play a valuable role in providing insights so that you make an informed, judicious and smart decision. They help you navigate through these transitions with clarity and purpose. Life coaching means helping clients create a happy, fulfilling and healthy life that they wish to achieve. It involves counseling, taking sessions, motivating and extracting information from the client to help navigate them through personal and career challenges. It also requires guiding and training them in a manner that may lead to changes in their habits, attitudes, thought process and perspectives. Coaching can be extremely useful in an entrepreneur’s journey. A Life Coach provides support in setting clear goals, help navigating through transient times, build confidence, help with time management, keep the momentum going, create a roadmap for achieving milestones etc. A Life Coach works

Top 5 Mindset Coaches in US

Coaching is all about working with and helping people. A coach helps them move from strength to strength. And who is a mindset coach? A mindset coach is a professional who helps in mapping out strategic ways to change or adopt new ideas, beliefs and thoughts to promote a healthier, positive and more productive outlook on life. A mindset coach tries to uncover the beliefs, limiting thoughts, blocks, behaviours, habits and patterns that limit an individual or a team in creating the life or progress or business they desire. The mindset coach uses a range of tactics and techniques to banish these limiting blocks and create or replace with ones that help people serve their purpose. Overall, a mindset coach in usa guides individuals toward a positive, empowered mindset that supports personal growth, success, and well-being in various aspects of life. Mindset coaches challenge the way we think, help us identify the unhelpful thoughts and bring us closer to a more optimistic outlook. Top

Dealing with Change: From Fear to Normal

  We know change is the only constant in life. It is inevitable. Change is an unavoidable constant in our lives. Sometimes very much in our control but mostly it’s not. As a mindset coach in Canada , I have seen this country undergo change in so many spheres. There has been immigration, fluctuating economy, rising interest rates, and the weather blues. Canadians are a very welcoming, warm and accepting community but these factors have introduced some major disruptions.   Well, this certainly doesn’t mean that change is always for bad. There are good changes but they can be stress-inducing and can completely take you by surprise. One has to adapt as you are pushed further and further out of your comfort zone. Being a life coach , I stress on the fact that we need not see change as unnatural but a part of our growing, developing and learning. It may be daunting but not unsurmountable. It may make us enter choppy waters but also show us our strengths that we were unaware existed in us.