Dealing with Change: From Fear to Normal


We know change is the only constant in life. It is inevitable. Change is an unavoidable constant in our lives. Sometimes very much in our control but mostly it’s not. As a mindset coach in Canada, I have seen this country undergo change in so many spheres. There has been immigration, fluctuating economy, rising interest rates, and the weather blues. Canadians are a very welcoming, warm and accepting community but these factors have introduced some major disruptions. 

Well, this certainly doesn’t mean that change is always for bad. There are good changes but they can be stress-inducing and can completely take you by surprise. One has to adapt as you are pushed further and further out of your comfort zone. Being a life coach, I stress on the fact that we need not see change as unnatural but a part of our growing, developing and learning. It may be daunting but not unsurmountable. It may make us enter choppy waters but also show us our strengths that we were unaware existed in us.

As a life coach and business coach, I am often asked how to deal with change. Will it require adjustments, will it be overwhelming, how long will it take, when will it end are some questions that I am regularly asked. Well, there isn’t any rule book but I can share few tips that can help navigate through change:

Acceptance – The foremost and difficult part of change is acceptance. But once done, it makes the transformation easier. One has to win the mind and the battle is won.

Pace yourself – It’s important to take things at your pace, especially when it comes to changes in personal equations. Embracing change and moving towards it is a positive step. And taking time to adopt and adapt is acceptable as long as it is happening.

Ask for help – Seeking help when needed isn’t weakness. It means you are ready to take the plunge and need certain help in your steps. It only reinforces and strengthens you for the change. A trusted mindset coach can guide you well and make your journey easier.

Self-Help – Change of any type is not easy. Seeking help when required is important but you are your only constant. What you can do and how you can do for yourself, no one else can. So, make yourself equipped with your go-to strategy.

Stress management – Anxiety and apprehension are feelings that accompany and follow change. Developing a plan to deal with these can make you calmer and make the transformation effective and easier. 

Reflect and Learn – Reflecting upon this journey and learning from it allows for accepting future changes with greater resilience.

Think positive – Getting carried away or losing oneself or getting negative thoughts isn’t uncommon during changing circumstances. But steering our thoughts in a positive way and towards something constructive depends on us. Maintaining an optimistic attitude goes a long way in dealing with change.    

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We need to understand everyone deals with unexpected changes in life. Unfortunately, there is no rule book to navigate through these times. It is only with the right mindset and right attitude can we embrace change and move forward. Our confidence and resilience are our biggest ally that can help us move from the fear of the unknown to making it a new normal.  


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