Top 5 Tips to Unlock the Entrepreneurial Spirit Within You

Everyone at some point in life wishes to be an entrepreneur. Some keep that spirit alive and take the plunge at the right time whereas many lose that sight and give in to everyday needs and demands. How can one set on the path to entrepreneurship? Is it a mindset coach game i.e. does it require a shift in perspective, a new outlook on life or is it a skillset i.e. something that can be acquired by learning and continuous repetition? This remains a point of discussion and contemplation for many.

Jude Dholah, a certified PGI consultant and a mindset coach observes that the secret sauce of being an entrepreneur includes having a combination of the right mindset and the right skillset.

Top 5 factors that stand out in unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit in an individual are:

1.      Drive

Entrepreneurs have an intrinsic drive and motivation to navigate their way through different and difficult situations. They do not seem to deter from fears and failures and are ready for a roll coaster ride called entrepreneurship. They naturally surround themselves with mentors and fellow entrepreneurs, learn from them to grow and stay relevant.

2.      Curiosity to Learn

These individuals have a desire to invest in personal and professional learning. They believe in acquiring new knowledge and skills that reinforces their expertise and provides evidence of their commitment to self-improvement and business approach. They remain curious and pursue opportunities for learning, through reading, workshops, conferences, courses etc.

3.      Perseverance

Perseverance allows these individuals to keep working towards their goals despite delays and difficulties. They do not lose focus and maintain a routine that keeps them going and not losing to distractions and challenges. Steadfastness is a virtue that determines consistency and commitment in pursuit of one’s goals and ambitions. Many a times, this becomes the deciding factor in becoming an entrepreneur.

4.      Mindset

Entrepreneurial journey is full of ups and downs. There are challenges and obstacles that one has to overcome to continue on this path. A positive mindset is crucial in those times. It is essential to stay agile and adaptable too. Framing the right mindset is extremely crucial to venture out on this journey. A Mindset Coach can offer a host of benefits like he/she can reframe the entire scenario, foster a positive attitude, identify the limiting beliefs, and help build a solution-focussed attitude.

5.     Vision

It is highly important to understand your vision, mission, values and long-term goals to give some shape to your business idea. It further helps in making crucial and timely decisions and helps one stay focussed. A constant support in a mindset coach will help make your goals smart, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-oriented. You can easily prioritize your tasks, channel your energies, keep a record of things and track your progress.

Read More: As an Entrepreneur, Do I need a Mindset Coach?

Following these 5 tips can help you set yourself on the path to entrepreneurial success while navigating the highs and lows of building and growing your business.

It is a huge decision when one takes the plunge and enters the arena of entrepreneurship. As much as there are ups and downs in this journey, there are numerous occasions of celebration, success and pride too. Despite having to face immense challenges, entrepreneurs commit themselves to show up and create value. This is a remarkable attitude that inspires everyone around them.


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