
Showing posts from February, 2024

How a Mindset Coach Can Help Women Entrepreneurs

When a female enters the entrepreneurial world, it doesn’t take much time for her to understand that these settings were not built with a woman in mind. Also, there are many societal biases that continue to fuel the disparities between men and women in the business world. There are many initiatives that the industry is taking as a whole to be more inclusive, it’s still difficult to carve your niche, be a part of the system to get ahead. These are challenging and demanding circumstances that can deter a female to march ahead and achieve what she wants to. In these uncertain times, a Mindset Coach can be a source of light. Mindset Coaches are seasoned professionals who enable business owners, first-time entrepreneurs, leaders, high-ranking business honchos with suitable advice and guide them to the next best step. They provide individuals with tactics, skills, mindset rules and insights that help them achieve their professional as well as personal goals. Whether one needs help in b

Mindset Makeover - Tips to Find the Right Mindset Coach & Life Coach

There are times when we find ourselves at crossroads in life. We may feel stuck, over-whelmed, depressed, unsure, lack confidence, lose hope; these kinds of limiting and negative mindset conditions are endless. We feel lost, incapable of taking decisions and seek right direction. In these transient times, a Mindset Coach & life coach provides support in pulling us out of this vicious circle by building confidence, showing us an alternate path, helping us navigate with their experience and guidance, and creating a roadmap for achieving milestones slowly but surely. It becomes extremely crucial that we confide in someone who understand us and can be the right mentor and guide for us. Embarking on a transformation journey with a Mindset Coach is more than just a decision – it is a commitment to oneself to start taking steps towards personal growth and fulfillment. Choosing to have a mindset makeover with a Mindset Coach can be a game changer and play a valuable role in providing

Mindset Power: Creating Order and Abundance

  “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person.” -         Bob Proctor   “Order is Heaven’s first law.” -         Thomas Troward Abundance is something that we all crave for - abundance of love, abundance of wealth, abundance of health, and abundance of prosperity. This is the fundamental nature of our earthly desires. But abundance, sadly, doesn’t just fall from the heavens into our lives without a little introspection and work. Abundance isn’t possessing material wealth or money as these things are fleeting and will be gone tomorrow. So, what is abundance? Jude Dholah, a certified PGI consultant, a  Life and Mindset Coach says “abundance is a mindset that anything is possible. It refers to endless bounty, plentiful existence of something. It manifests into gaining material wealth, opportunities, knowledge and confidence. It means enjoying the feeling of joy, satisfaction and limitless possibilities.” Mindset Coach , J

Top 5 Tips to Unlock the Entrepreneurial Spirit Within You

Everyone at some point in life wishes to be an entrepreneur. Some keep that spirit alive and take the plunge at the right time whereas many lose that sight and give in to everyday needs and demands. How can one set on the path to entrepreneurship? Is it a mindset  coach game i.e. does it require a shift in perspective, a new outlook on life or is it a skillset i.e. something that can be acquired by learning and continuous repetition? This remains a point of discussion and contemplation for many. Jude Dholah, a certified PGI consultant and a mindset coach observes that the secret sauce of being an entrepreneur includes having a combination of the right mindset and the right skillset. Top 5 factors that stand out in unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit in an individual are: 1.       Drive Entrepreneurs have an intrinsic drive and motivation to navigate their way through different and difficult situations. They do not seem to deter from fears and failures and are ready for a roll

As an Entrepreneur, Do I need a Mindset Coach?

An entrepreneurial journey can be as lonely and stressful as it can be rewarding and gratifying. One day could feel like most productive when things go great, and the next could be completely off the track and can leave one clueless and lost. Almost all business owners go through this roller coaster, some reach certain milestones but many stay where they are – wondering what they could have done or could do better? In these uncertain times, a Mindset Coach can be a source of light. Mindset Coaches are seasoned professionals who enable business owners, first-time entrepreneurs, leaders, high-ranking business honchos with suitable advice and guide them to the next best step. They provide individuals with tactics, skills, mindset rules and insights that help them achieve their professional as well as personal goals. Jude Dholah, a PGI certified Mindset Coach in USA specializes in transformation of mindset for professionals. With his rich and deep experience as business, mindset and

Want To Be An Entrepreneur – Do You Have The Right Mindset?

If you intend to start your entrepreneurial journey, then you have come to the right place. First of all, congratulations to you for taking the hardest step in this journey. There are individuals who could never muster enough courage to give shape to their thoughts and ideas. So, I wish you have a successful and fruitful journey ahead. Now that you are here, let’s discuss some fundamental mindset traits that are required to succeed as an entrepreneur. There is no doubt that it requires a diverse set of skills from keeping right frame of mind to possessing deep knowledge about various aspects of business. The technical and managerial skills may come at a later stage, but first and foremost you need to reflect and get to know yourself better. One cannot learn this at a business school but with a good Business Coach , this step becomes easy. What will set you apart in this race, in this age and time is your mindset – how well do you transform it into growth mindset, how well do you kn