Mindset Power: Creating Order and Abundance

 “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time, with every person.”

-        Bob Proctor

 “Order is Heaven’s first law.”

-        Thomas Troward

Abundance is something that we all crave for - abundance of love, abundance of wealth, abundance of health, and abundance of prosperity. This is the fundamental nature of our earthly desires. But abundance, sadly, doesn’t just fall from the heavens into our lives without a little introspection and work.

Abundance isn’t possessing material wealth or money as these things are fleeting and will be gone tomorrow. So, what is abundance? Jude Dholah, a certified PGI consultant, a Life and Mindset Coach says “abundance is a mindset that anything is possible. It refers to endless bounty, plentiful existence of something. It manifests into gaining material wealth, opportunities, knowledge and confidence. It means enjoying the feeling of joy, satisfaction and limitless possibilities.”

Mindset Coach, Jude Dholah also says that if there is order in one’s mind, then there is order in his physical surroundings. There is no noise in the mind, leaving room for creativity, manifestation and positivity that rubs off in relationships, business and other aspects of life. Order creates structure, clarity and organization in an individual’s life. It is then easy to prioritize important stuff, take prudent decisions and increase productivity in life.

As the MindsetCoach states - abundance and order are important for individuals to live a purposeful and fulfilling life. There is a strong interplay between the two that one can experience in various facets of life. This can become a part of one’s routine with little effort and mindset transformation. An individual needs to find the balance between the two concepts.

In order to attract abundance, you need order in life. This means getting things in order is the secret sauce of progress. Emptying mind and life of any clutter and negativity, unnecessary noise and voice of people who try to bog you down gives an individual a chance to attract and bring in order and structure in life. Creativity and positivity then flourishes empowering the individual to manifest what he desires.

How can one attain that? It is easier said than done. This is where mindset transformation comes into play. One way that is also the easier way is to dwell on negativity and look at everything through a painful lens. The other way, a difficult one at the start but certainly rewarding in the long term is to have a positive mindset that looks at challenges as stepping stones without losing the sight of ultimate goal. To achieve this, seeking help from a Life Coach can offer a host of benefits like he/she can reframe the entire scenario, foster a positive attitude, identify the limiting beliefs, and help build a solution-focussed attitude. This ultimately leads to clarity and meaningful actions.

Some other ways to achieve order and abundance in life can be:

1.      Set Right Intentions

It is important to envision what you want and how you see yourself. The first step is to set that right and work towards it. A Mindset Coach can bring out the answers from you that you are afraid to hear.

2.      Practice Gratitude

Adopting a daily practice of gratitude fosters a positive mindset and attracts abundance. What you appreciate, appreciates.

3.      Practice Mindfulness

Becoming more aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors is an important step towards achieving order in life. If an individual gets attuned to these, then he enables himself to maintain balance and order in mind and life. A Life Coach through various exercises helps individuals become self-aware and practice mindfulness.

4.      Be Adaptable

Sticking to any one particular style or mindset is never healthy. Things are changing rapidly around us; it requires us to be adaptable and flexible too. This way it is easier to navigate challenges and uncertain situations in life.

5.      Make it a Routine

The real results come when we practice what we are doing everyday. Determination and discipline are the key to achieving what we desire. Bringing changes in daily routine will bring big results eventually.

Integrating these steps by oneself or seeking help from a Mindset Coach will empower individuals cultivate order and embrace abundance. This opens the door to not only few good things but profusion of astounding experiences that you may not have seen. Practice, practice and practice.

Read More: Top 5 Tips to Unlock the Entrepreneurial Spirit Within You


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