Motivate and Inspire Your Team with These Seven Strategies

Most employees are bound to get stuck at times during their career. At that point, what they need is validation. They not only want to be heard but also want others to recognize their contribution. This is not just for the sake of attention but because they want to know if their skills sets are still useful and are helping the organization to grow. There have been professional development budget cuts in the last few years. As a result of this, the employees have to invest in themselves to understand where their capabilities best fit as per the needs of the organization. Hiring a business coach can prove to be quite beneficial.

At the same time even the leaders are trying to ensure that the employees feel much more secured. They are aware that if there is too much disruption in the workplace, there is a chance of losing top talent in the work place which is difficult to replace. The workplace terrain is ever changing. It is important that the leaders start thinking differently about the right way to keep their team on track. They need to become much more intuitive.

Top Business Coach in USA helps you with the top 7 strategies to motivate and encourage your employees

It is important for the leaders to realize that there does not exist any single recipe today in the work place that we live in. It is important to find out new ways to keep the employees motivated to perform better.

Given below is a list of the top 7 strategies that will help you keep your employees motivated:

1. Leverage the Awards Recognition Ideas of the employees

According to the recent statistics as many as 39% of the workers these days feel unappreciated. As much as 77% of the workers say, that they would work better if they received more recognition awards. It is not easy to create a recognition award scheme. This can be tasking and much more complicated when there are several teams working on different projects. As a leader, it is important for you to aim to adopt different award recognition ideas to appreciate the hardwork of the employees.

2. Have proper incentive plans

This is another great way to keep your team motivated. You can offer your team incentives, rewards and bonuses to keep them engaged in the work place. Both financial as well as non-financial incentives increase employee productivity, boosts their moral and enhances employee loyalty. Employees feel more valued when they are rewarded for their achievements. Incentive programs help in developing the desired culture of the company. Incentives also provide a better quality life for the workers. One of the biggest reasons for the employees to change their career is improved quality of life. A productive incentive plan will help you lower costs and will inspire the employees to achieve better results.

3. Set Clear Goals

Setting expectations is a two way process. You will first have to clearly communicate your expectations to your employees. Listen to what they have to say and help them as and when necessary. It is important that you set clear expectations and provide employees with all the tools that they need. This will help them stay focused and achieve better results. The top business coach in Canada will help to set goals..

4. Training and Development

Good training and development is essential for all organizations. It provides employees the opportunity to learn new skills and gain knowledge. It helps them build their confidence and increase their productivity. It also helps them stay more engaged in the work place.

5. Understand employee motivation

There are two types of motivation- Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation includes benefits and office perks like snacks and ping pong. Intrinsic motivation on the other hand means a sense of accomplishment that a person gets once he completes some task. Since extrinsic motivation is temporary, it is highly recommended that you use intrinsic motivation to motivate your team.

6. Make use of the six human needs

Every individual is driven by six human needs that are significance, variety, certainity, growth, contribution and love/connection. The top needs might vary however all most all of us have a need for growth and contribution and certainty and as a leader it is important that you leverage it. For example, professional development might fulfil the need of the individual to grow while working on meaningful projects might fulfill the need of contribution. You should discover the top need of each individual and motivate them accordingly.

7. Mentoring Programmes

Mentoring is a great way that can help you boost the performance of your team. In this process there is a mentor who provides support and guidance to the employees. He or she helps them identify their goals and help them to achieve it. Providing employees with a mentor will boost their morale, foster a sense of shared goals and increase the productivity. This is an excellent way to nurture talents, build relationships and encourage the employees to take full charge of their development. Mentoring provides employees with a unique way to grow and learn in a supportive environment. A mentor is like a sounding board. He provides honest feedback. He will advise the employees and will help them develop their skills, improve their decisions and stay motivated. Hiring the services of a good business coach in USA or Canada will be a good idea.

Read More: How to Get Out of Your Head — Proven Techniques


It is important for you as a leader to inspire the employees to perform optimally. It is therefore important that a leader sees beyond the obvious in his people. Inspiration does not come from something that turns on or off. It rather comes from constant behaviour that is triggered in multiple ways that makes the employees feel that they are important for you and you genuinely care for them.


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